Khasaaraha qaraxii hotel Afrik iyo xog ku saabsan shir beeleed ka socday markii la weeraray

January 31, 2021

Khasaaraha qaraxii hotel Afrik iyo xog ku saabsan shir beeleed ka socday markii la weeraray

(Mogadishu Spring Without Flowers) – Hotelka Afriik oo ku yaalla agagaarka isgoyska KM-4 ee magaalada Muqdisho waxaa weli ka dhex dagaalameysa koox hubeysan oo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab, kuwaas oo gudaha u galay hotelka abaaro 5:00pm ee galabta.
Weli si rasmi ah looma ogaan karo khasaaraha inta uu dhanyahay, maadaama uu weli socdo weerarku, waxayna illa hadda la xaqiijiyey geerida laba askari oo ilaalada hotelka ka tirsaneyd iyo nin lagu magacaabi jiray Cabdullahi Nuure Siyaad oo ay walaalo ahaayeen siyaasiga Cabdi Nuure Siyaad (Cabdi Waal).
Markii weerarku bilaawday waxaa gudaha Hotelkaku jiray ciidamo badan oo ay wateen saraakiisha kala ah, Jeneraal Indhacadde, Jeneraal Galaal, Jeneraal Laba Afle, iyo saraakiil kale, kuwaas oo iska caabin adag ay kala kulantay kooxdii weerarka soo qaaday.
la xaqiijiyey illaa hadda ee Hotelka laga soo badbaadiyey iyaga oo nabad qaba waxaa ka mid ah, Milkiilihii Hotelka Xuseen Goley oo ka mid ah ganacsatada ugu waaweyn magaalada Muqdisho, Jeneraal Indhacadde, Jeneraal Galaal, Jeneraal Laba Afle, guddoomiyihii hore ee G/Galgaduud Xuseen Cirfo, wiil uu dhalay Allaha u naxariistee Jeneraal Goobaale oo dhaawac ah iyo dad kale oo shacab iyo siyaasiyiin isugu jira.
Saraakiishan oo dhamaantood ah beesha Ceyr ayaa halkaas ku lahaa shir ay uga arrinsanayeen kiiska guddoomiyihii dhawaan la dilay ee degmada Hodan Allaha u naxariistee Cabdixakiin Dhegajuun.
Wararkii u dambeeyey ee aan ka heleyno Hotelka waxay sheegayaan inay howlgalka la wareegeen ciidanka booliska sida gaarka ah u tababaran ee Haramcad, waxayna dad goobjoog ah Caasimada Online u xaqiijiyeen in kooxdii ay weli ka dagaalameyso qeybo ka tirsan Hotelka.
Qaar ka mid ah dadkii laga soo badbaadiyey Hotelka oo aan la hadalnay ayaa sidoo kale noo sheegay in kooxda aysan u suurta gelin inay si aad ah isugu faafiyaan gudaha Hotelka, isla markaana ay ka dagaalamayaan qeybaha soo xiga irida ay ka soo galeen ee Hotelka.


Somalia’s al-Shabab rebels attack hotel in the capital city

January 31, 2021

A medical worker pushes the stretcher of a civilian man wounded in an attack on the Afrik hotel in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021.  (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) – A hotel in Somalia’s capital has been hit by an explosion and an attack by jihadist rebels, police have confirmed.
A vehicle loaded with explosives crashed into the entrance gate of the Afrik hotel, near Mogadishu’s strategic K-4 junction, on Sunday afternoon, police spokesman Sadiq Adan Ali said.
A number of armed gunmen then quickly invaded the hotel, opening fire on staff and patrons inside, he said. Government forces responded to the attack and gunfire could be heard coming from the hotel. Police rescued many people from the hotel, including its owner and an army general.
At least seven wounded civilians could be seen although police did not immediately give casualty figures.
Al-Shabab, Somalia’s homegrown jihadist rebels, claimed responsibility for the attack through their Andalus radio station.
“We know, they have changed nothing from their usual tactic, ramming explosives into a building and following up, assaulting with rifles,” said Ali.
In a separate incident, at least eight children have died and scores of others were wounded when a bomb went off in the Golweyn area, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of the coastal town of Merca, some 120 kilometers (74 miles) south of Mogadishu.

Ambulances and security forces gather on the street outside the Afrik hotel in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021. The hotel in Somalia's capital has been hit by an explosion and an attack by gunmen, according to police. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)
Ambulances and security forces gather on the street outside the Afrik hotel in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021. The hotel in Somalia’s capital has been hit by an explosion and an attack by gunmen, according to police. (AP Photo/Farah Abdi Warsameh)

In this image made from video, people flee from the area as gunshots are heard, on a street near the Afrik hotel in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021. The hotel in Somalia's capital has been hit by an explosion and an attack by gunmen, according to police. (AP Photo)

In this image made from video, people flee from the area as gunshots are heard, on a street near the Afrik hotel in the capital Mogadishu, Somalia Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021. The hotel in Somalia’s capital has been hit by an explosion and an attack by gunmen, according to police. (AP Photo

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